Question of the Week
BU Today, Boston University’s award-winning daily news site, brings you Question of the Week, a new podcast that provides insights from leading experts on timely questions covering politics, business, culture, education, science, medicine, sports, health, and more. Each episode features a conversation between a BU Today journalist and a different University faculty or staff member.
Podcasting since 2021 • 24 episodes
Question of the Week
Latest Episodes
How Will Inflation Affect the Economy in 2023?
As we look forward to 2023, the health of the domestic economy remains a concern as high costs linger, hiring slows, and salaries stagnate. Many industries in the United States and abroad have increased costs due to supply chain issues and othe...
Season 2
Episode 23

How Is The Conversation Around Mental Health Changing Among College Students?
As awareness of its importance rises, mental health has become a topic of much discussion in higher education, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. SPH researcher Sarah Lipson
Season 2
Episode 22

Why Are This Year’s Midterm Elections Especially Important?
Maxwell Palmer, an associate professor of political science at Boston University, discusses the history of midterm elections and provides background on what has shifted in Massach...
Season 2
Episode 21